

2024-2025 - Scout Registration / Renewal

06-01-2024 - 05-31-2025
Cub Scout Registration Renewal fee for the year*: $250 per scout and $225 per additional sibling
(or $265 per scout if you would like to sign up for the Boys Life magazine subscription - optional and $240 per additional sibling).
*Effective 8/1/23, BSA no longer allows prorated registrations. All registrations are valid for 1 calendar year.
This fee covers registration with BSA (national & local dues), pack nights, den meetings, pack T-shirt, and advancement.
Additional fees for optional pack events/outings may apply (separate registrations for special events will be posted on the website under the Pack Events page).
ALL parents/guardians attending any cub scout event (pack night, den meetings, camping, etc) must complete their YPT (Youth Protection Training). This includes those that completed it last year. The link is below. If you already have an account the link will take you to the sign in. If you are a new member, you can just sign up for an account. This is the account you will need to sign in each year to renew your YPT. Once you have completed the online course save the completion certificate as a PDF and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The YPT EMAIL MUST be completed ASAP.
If you are registering a new scout please include in your YPT email the following information:
  A) Parent Name(s) - Phone Number(s) - Address - Professions(s)
BSA Youth Protection Mission Statement. True youth protection can be achieved only through the focused commitment of everyone in Scouting. It is the mission of Youth Protection volunteers and professionals to work within the Boy Scouts of America to maintain a culture of Youth Protection awareness and safety at the national, regional, area, council, district, and unit levels.
Disclaimer: There may be times when the BSA Pack 363 may share photos of your child taken at scout events with members of the media, post on our pack website and/or facebook page, or use for recruitment purposes (flyers, social media posts, etc.). If you do not wish to have photos of your child shared in any form of media, please submit a written request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible, otherwise any photos taken of your child during scout events may be shared. 

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price
Cub Scout Registration $250.00
Cub Scout Registration with Boys Life Magazine Subscription $265.00
Additional Sibling Registration $225.00
Additional Sibling Registration with Boy's Life Magazine Subscription $240.00