Weblos 4

Webelos 4 is for 4th grade cub scouts.  Webelos work on their badges and electives, and participate in pack night events.  Webelos may also participate in "Weblos Woods", in which they camp out as a Webelos den and prepare for the Boy Scout camping program.  In addition to the above activities, Webelos are also encouraged to participate in the Cub Scout Academics and Sports Program (which requirements are specific to the Webelos)


The Advancement Trail

Webelos dens are for boys who have completed third grade (or reached age 10). The Webelos den program is different from the Cub Scout den program. Everything in the Webelos Scout program is more challenging than what younger boys in the pack do. Webelos Scouts get to work on the 20 Webelos activity badges:


Webelos Scouts work on requirements during their weekly den meetings. Once a boy learns a skill, he practices it at den meetings and at home on his own. His family helps him at home. Webelos Scouts bring the projects they do at home to the den meetings to show others, and to have the Webelos den leader approve their projects.



Webelos Scouts do adventures described in their Webelos handbook that advance them towards their Webelos rank. By completing seven adventures, the Webelos rank is earned.



  1. Be an active member of your Webelos den for three months. (Being active means having good attendance, paying your den dues, and working on den projects.)

    1. Complete each of the following Webelos required adventures with your den or family:

    2. Cast Iron Chef

    3. Duty to God and You

    4. First Responder

    5. Stronger, Faster, Higher

    6. Webelos Walkabout

  2. Complete two Webelos elective adventures of your den or family's choosing from this list: Adventures in Science, Aquanaut, Art Explosion, Aware and Care, Build It, Build My Own Hero, Castaway, Earth Rocks!, Engineer, Fix It, Game Design, Into the Wild, Into the Woods, Looking Back, Looking Forward, Maestro!, Moviemaking, Project Family, Sportsman.

  3. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide and earn the Cyber Chip award for your age.